Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Power of Appreciation

A simple word - appreciate. How difficult or easy it is to appreciate some one...lets see.

There are two ways to look at the same glass - either half full or half empty. Similarly, there are two ways to look at the same person, either you appreciate him/her for the qualities they possess or criticize them pointing out their weaknesses.

No body is perfect, its an accepted fact. Yet we all strive to achieve perfection atleast in some aspect in our lives - be it fitness, cooking, coding, dressing, driving, and so on.

In the pursuit of achieving perfection, just like in the pursuit of climbing that hill, sometimes we arrive at a plateau. We fail to see that there is more to the hill than this flat piece of land. Similarly, we are unable to perceive and appreciate the current moment. Be it in our lives or that of others.

Another parallel to this fact is that "faith" is something that allows us to be able to perceive that little something, which we perceive to be missing, but is actually a boon in disguise.

To further clarify my thinking, let me give an example.

You have a good friend. You enjoy spending time with that person. However even as friends we fail to appreciate each others presence in our lives. It may be as simple as saying, thanks for being there... I appreciate your supporting me on this one...

Such words are very rarely found and the more rare they are, the more precious they become to you.

Use some kind words of appreciation in your life today and see the difference it makes, may not be in your life...but surely in another one's.

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